Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a KNOWN mage IS kinda scary, known fully well to have bible 'threading' half way through......
um, i called war a few times, kept finding warrior i think,
dubbing war as another tree of life, if you SEEN where ive found wicked.....
'A world of truth erupts' where did that ultra small norton come friom, trust?
i bragged of a lottery, and why this was easy a grid for a webpage.
i felt dumb, cause the other connect way is on top, like selecting files, just groups em, ddnt know grid was an actual chart or something,
i fixed it, was wondering why a data grid could not sort, turns out IT WAS in the grid. i was dropping non connected objects,
under 2 months ?
about 1.5 hours, cant make combo boxes regenerate, and i knew it was too easy,
Would microsoft literally change visual basic after my spell 2.0? kinda jumped there cause made the most millionaires, app seems different,
'My memory sucks' then 'k'
wonder what tool is placing it at jesus's feet, it just occurred.
sa public icon must follow his word its golden > yall can tell my stalkers im going to londonderry for about 2hrs,
there is a wall on the intelligences we guide on tv: people buying cars cause they thought they had money. a crack in our sychology,
tooth pick driven looks wacom,
the fastest rewards are gained here >​visualstudio/en-us/produc​ts/2010-editions/visual-b​asic-express​om/albums/yy176/JesusChri​st52/scaleofunitylegend.j​pg

Monday, August 29, 2011

only want one right now, hope that passes!'
116:2 Hence arose the mystery of the number of the beast, six hundred three score and six, being the number of a man--
DCLXVI < that scary?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

"And its kinda nice stepping to all these things you've never seen,"
'They never said think,' ' )
*news flash* i might have been in a commercial where all i said was all ours *news flash*

Saturday, August 27, 2011

'how ph^cking old are we.....?'

Friday, August 26, 2011

Reading The Magus to Christ, my r/hand recoiled like a snake that lost at least twice. So his spirit may have returned, worth looking into?
Laugh, i found 3 squared hit 5, 1801? think maybe basketbll today, dunno,
Ssome things are not to be explained, Ssome times ended well, is enough of an end for her story,
as telecosm forced me out of the way, so doth the ma-jus.
The belly, where the faculty of generation is, and the genital members, answering the elemental world; < relates to that app,
The belly, where the faculty of generation is, and the genital members, answering the elemental world; < relates to that app,
'Father, tell me this ain't bad,' - elemental 1.1 .
just reposted elemental with an ms powerpack that might be needed, same link, find your philosophers stone, > 'In the ElementalWorld,The Philosophers'Stone is
One subject, and instrument of all virtues, natural and supernatural.' pg 91 in > Francis Barrett - The Magus,
IS knowledge power? i think i see mirrors alot,
two natures in Christ, divine and human: < you may peg divine, by looking at this,
funny how many times ive ducked reading the simple word sex, yet this is me on mic>
neat knowing thats like creating 1000 souls, even 100,
producing a living soul, viz. earth and water. < the many bubbles that show up in a dish of earth and water were living souls to me.
i can have nightmares now, wondered if 'sleeping s^cks' materialized a solution,
noticed blood on the window, if you saw covered eyes a little after youd love it too, one hole in this 3 part story,
First showed realizing shoes may be all alike at some level,
'One day i'll probly be so high there'll be no lower,' something of a virtue, all equal.
you gotta really KNOW, to say get your mother out the kitchen > Wont Let me Slow Down"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

movie midnight lol, omg, reason to walk someone home EVERY NIGHT, the way im learning to play cards.
the baddest fall i knew, tears in my eyes, was great,
pg 14 reminded me of a baddest fall to my knees after i dont know you, but always is here, with watchrs, probly rewording after a miraculous
perhaps ten sequencial beautifuls on one girl etc.,
imagine probly 3 sets of always and forevers,
seek heaven? seek zone/streak!
Real world hereyou may find yourself scared as fuck. My world edge? People overcome.
I read magus like magic, majus? like that,
How scarey is this book? imagine me duckin alot. Was LAUGHING, at how occult brings duck alot. YOUR key? A section till fastest.The Magus.
My thoughts have brought many tools>cigs multiply>legion>above beginning and the end or alpha and omega is, recognized Aries? How far?
so understanding the sky ran by one a piece of pollen landed right in my nose. you'd only want a woman there..
llol eveen hewweather channell has ''action' neews,
been studying synchronicity, it works.
i dont plan to run the sky, but if its cool, can you blame me? tellin the father 'i dont like this wind...', earlier today wasnt cool!*
i dont plan to run the sky, butif its cool, can you blame? tellin the father 'i dont like this wind...' earlier today wasnt cool!
so walking the dog, may be on the level of a thing i like on the pc. like photoshop was,
I dare any brave enough to read Francis Barrets - The Magus, SEVEN TIMES! Or plan 7-9 days wih me.....endless combos there,
I dare any brave enough to read Francis Barrets - The Magus, SEVEN TIMES! Or plan 7-9 days wih me.....
stored heat in earth's core, cant SEE her spinning the planets though, sun is sky's to me though,
couldnt get past the timeless in that ending,
may be swinging a new sword, like one once recognized Aries......
glow on paint splashes in photoshop, feathering on a 3 part cloud.
now explain one painting 15-18 images at once. seems clear, seperateclouds!
Also, one did many pieces of digital art on a pic, relates well to many small clouds out there,
this sky ruler has a whip lol, i mentioned a single gust knocked a single piece of off a building when i was at the busstop
its too old, we have mechanical fans now maybe, fire does move it i read,earth slows it,
why on earth it took four to run the wind i dont know,
lol weather channel may make sense, this is a serious undertaking if i follow through,
after the force of zeus i may corner lady,lady seems seeems the best of the fairer s^x s titles,
gonna rename the sky after a great gal i seen once, wonder if all good lives there